Jan 31, 2019 by   MagicByteSolutuions   0   1502 views

Top 8 Reasons That Make Visitors Leave Your Website

Does this frustrating question keep hovering over your mind- ‘why visitors often leave your site even when you have designed a great one encompassing all the best things’? Attracting potential customers nowadays is hard. What appears more difficult is grabbing their attention and retaining them. Facing failure in keeping visitors on websites has become a common issue. Many of us struggle to discover the reasons behind this. Sometimes, it can be our site’s logo, content, or even design that is the culprit. Other times, it may be the lack of a few small tweaks that are significant to keep users interested and engaged.


In order to help you find out ‘why your visitors are not sticking around’, MagicByte Solutions – a responsive web design company has assembled a clear guide encompassing 8 problems accompanied with solutions you should implement.


8 Common Things That Make Your Website Visitors Go Back


1. Poor Navigation: Nothing can frustrate visitors more than a site that is arduous to navigate. Inconsistent or complex navigation make users feel confused, helpless, and/or angry. Undoubtedly, these are the emotions no one likes their potential customers to feel.


Solution: Bestow your website with an intuitive, logical, and easy to comprehend navigation.


2. Too Many Ads: Frequent ads that pop-up, flash, and fill up the whole browser just enrage the visitors.


Solution: Using ads on your site is not at all wrong. But to keep your bounce rate low, you need to be tasteful regarding the approach to run ads.


3. Bad Content: Poor Content structure is something that can impact your customer retention and conversion rates. Most sales get lost due to the fact that the potential customers aren’t able to locate what they want to.


Solution: Sort content in a clear manner. Put similar blogs under one section. Consider highlighting the headings and keywords that readers might be looking for.


4. Obstructive Use of Videos: Using videos that load automatically without the permission of users can potentially drive them away.


Solution: Viewing video must be optional. Don’t compel the visitors to watch them.


5. Need for Registration: Forcing people to register before getting to the content or anything else on website sound like a barrier that ultimately makes them go where they can get the thing without forced-registration.


Solution: Evade frustrating visitors by putting barriers between you and them. If visitors have to register in order to interact with your website, try to give them feeling of reliability and ease


6. Boring Design or Content: A website with unattractive, dull, or unclear content or design will never be able to provide the memorable user experience.


Solution: In addition to considering that your design and content looks attractive, ensure making them effective and easy to understand.


7. Poor Legibility: Abrasive colors, excessive typos, and bad topographies – all lead to poor legibility and thus, bad user experience.


Solution: If the typeface, color palette, and tone of your site are not offering good conversions and retention rates. Consider hiring a responsive website development who can suggest you with better ones.


8. Lack of Regularity: Besides keeping the right balance in regards to content, design, and interactivity, there’s a need to be regular in refreshing your site with new content.


Solution: Keeping your content fresh not only boost up the customers’ interest level but also ensure higher rankings to your website on SERPs.


If you’ll focus on eliminating these aforementioned holes from your website, there will be nothing that makes your visitors leave it and go elsewhere.

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